GRC Parfum Srl is the leading Italian creator and manufacturer of perfume compositions for personal and home care industries, as well as for air fresheners and paper industry. It was established by Silvano Corlazzoli, board member of Givaudan Roure S.p.A., in accordance with the decision of the same company to reorganize the European production units.

Today GRC Parfum Srl has a unique versatile structure, which allows it to provide quality and competitive products, as well as high value customer service. This company is characterized by a passion and dedication to product, independence and focus on customer. In an attempt to continuaously adapt the organization to new market dynamics, in 2008. GRC oppened a new industrial plant fitted with state-of-the-art equipment based on cutting-edge technology.

Quality Control and Health & Safety assure the strictest respect for product safety standards, offering extensive documentation for its products. Therefore, GRC has been certified UNI EN ISO: 9001 since September 2004.